The power of prayer and fasting: deaf woman hears and speaks for the first time!

Last summer, one of our Bibles for Mideast leaders, Pastor Riyaz*, was brutally attacked while ministering among Muslims and Hindus in East Champaran, India—an area of India along the border with Nepal. Pastor Riyaz and his family are all former Muslims and so well-understand that faith system. He ministers mainly to Indians and Nepalese, with many Muslims and Hindus having received Christ through his, his family’s and his team’s efforts.

On this particular day, a mob of angry Muslim fundamentalists attacked him, then threw his seemingly lifeless body into a ditch, leaving him for dead [that story here: A beyond-astonishing story of God’s redemption!].

But God! Some Christian believers found him lying in the ditch and, noticing signs of life, rushed him to the local hospital. Barely alive and with one knee damaged beyond repair, once he was stabilized somewhat, doctors replaced the pastor’s knee.

More problems—and excitement—followed during his stay in hospital, which you can read about here: Going above and beyond with ‘Bloom where you're planted’:  hospital miracles continue.



Bibles for Mideast Director Pastor Paul recently joined Pastor Riyaz (now almost completely recovered) and his congregation at the pastor’s home in East Champaran.

Amazingly, even some of those who had attacked Pastor Riyaz and his church attended. Tears flowed as they confessed before him and the congregation. The once-disabled pastor then shared the saving gospel with them, and they accepted Jesus as their personal saviour and Lord! 

The group had originally planned for three days of prayer and fasting, to include sharing testimonies and hearing the gospel each day from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., and then again from 6:00 to 9:00 p.m.

As more and more people came, the group grew so large Pastor Riyaz’s home could no longer accommodate them. Services were then moved outdoors, with worshippers gathering under the sprawling branches of a huge tree as even more joined in from the neighborhood. The projected three days stretched to seven full days because of the growing numbers of attendees—including the many people from the hospital who had felt the touch of the Lord as Pastor Riyaz recovered (and ministered!) there.

Last Saturday, as the seven days came to a close, Pastors Paul and Riyaz joined with two other pastors to hold a remarkable baptismal ceremony in the nearby Gandak River.

Among the 327 people baptized that day were hundreds from the hospital where Pastor Riyaz had received treatment—including four Hindu doctors, two Muslim doctors, and a number of Hindu and Muslim nurses—plus many others from the nearby Indian and Nepalese communities.

After the baptismal service, the group began making preparations to celebrate the Lord’s Supper—750 people partaking on this final day of their week of prayer and fasting.

As they prepared, Pastor Riyaz’s deaf and mute sister Saira* (who lives with the pastor’s family due to her disability) suddenly stood, vigorously moving her hands and lips. She kept this up for a couple of minutes. While all could see she seemed desperate to express something, they grew increasingly anxious at her inability to do so.

“The Holy Spirit then insisted I go and pray over her,” Pastor Paul recalls. “Holy Spirit is moving on her to say something!” he explained to those gathered. He then asked that everyone pray for her while he went to lay on his hands and pray.

“Jesus, Jesus, Jesus!” It only took a few minutes for Saira to voice the name of the one who had healed her! She went on to speak for about 15 minutes, every word either praise or thanks to the Lord.  

Further, she could HEAR herself speaking; she could hear the murmurs of the crowd around her. As she continued in praise, the Holy Spirit moved on and filled every person in attendance, with absolutely glorious worship ensuing.

Pastor Paul then gave the people a message on his heart from the Lord, and went on to conduct the Lord’s supper.

Please keep all of these believers, new and seasoned, in your prayers. And when you pray, please pray for Pastor Riyaz’s church: that they would find their sorely-needed dedicated place of worship.
*Names changed for security reasons

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Going above and beyond with 'bloom where you're planted': hospital miracles continue

We have an exciting, crazy-encouraging update on Pastor Riyaz*! If you aren’t aware of his story thus far, please read our earlier post, A beyond-astonishing story of God’s redemption!

As only God can orchestrate it, the injured and hospitalized pastor’s story has gotten even more astonishing.

First of all, he has been improving quickly (from both the original attack and the attack in the hospital), and if all continues well, hopes to be released next week. The most astonishing part is that his mission work has continued in the hospital!

A few Sundays ago, Pastor Riyaz asked permission to have a worship service in the hospital hall. Since many staff had already become Christian through his ministry, hospital authorities were happy to provide the hall space for worship.

So at about 10 a.m. those gathered—some 300 staff and patients—began to pray. The Holy Spirit hovered and moved powerfully. Pastor Riyaz shared a gospel message from his wheelchair, while his wife conducted the overall service.

One of the hospital’s security staff shared his testimony about the previous Sunday service.  He had prayed as best as he knew how to God for his wife, who has been paralyzed and bedridden for three years. He and his children were trying to care for her, but his income from the hospital work wasn’t enough to manage both looking after the house and his wife’s treatment. In an attempt to support the family, two of his young daughters worked as sales girls in a local cloth shop, but it was still barely enough.

When he returned home after his hospital shift, his children excitedly reported that their mother had been shaking her legs and fingers around midday! The security man knew it had to be around the time he had prayed for her during the worship service. The Lord Jesus had touched her! So he shared all of this with his family, as well as about the salvation possible only with Jesus.

He and his children then joined hands and prayed aloud for his wife. It was really the first time he prayed consciously and knowingly to the Lord Jesus. Since the family belonged to a Hindu priestly family, none really knew how to pray. But the Holy Spirit ‘taught him’, giving him the words, as he prayed.

And then suddenly, his wife stood up from the bed and praised the Lord! As the security guard shared his amazing testimony in the hospital that Sunday, he wept over all the Lord had done for him.

Many others then shared exciting and powerful stories of what they had experienced as well.

So until he is released from hospital, our dear pastor will continue leading people to the Lord as well as powerful Sunday worship services!

Please keep all of these dear people in your prayers. Pastor Riyaz still needs total healing, and all the brand-new Christians need discipleship as they move forward in the Kingdom.
*Name changed for security reasons

+++++ If you are able to help us financially, please click here: BLESSING Bibles for Mideast. +++++

Cardiac surgeon says his young patient opened his own heart

Angela* had been a long-awaited addition to the family for a formerly Muslim couple now worshipping Jesus at an ALG (Bibles for Mideast) church near their home in North India. Born 13 years into their marriage, little Angela was only six when doctors discovered a serious problem with her heart. Blood clots were forming and interfering with her heart’s functioning, so her parents took her to a renowned cardiologist for further assessment.

After a thorough check-up, the specialist advised immediate open-heart surgery, but warned that it came with only a 30 percent chance of success.  

“What will happen if we don’t go for the surgery?” the concerned parents asked. 

“She will not live more than three months,” the surgeon answered.

After much prayer and consideration, the parents opted for the surgery.

“You do understand I can give you only a 30 percent assurance on her life,” the doctor reminded them. The parents nodded; they would stick by their decision.

The day for surgery arrived, and Angela was prepped for the procedure. She spied her surgeon getting ready too.

“Doctor Uncle, Doctor Uncle!” she cried out [an Indian expression showing her familiarity with the doctor—Ed.]  “I heard you will tear into and cut my heart!”

“Don't worry, my child,” the doctor assured her kindly. “I promise, you won’t feel any pain or discomfort.”

“It’s not that, Doctor Uncle! My mommy and daddy taught me that my Lord Jesus is living in my heart … and I do believe that! So Doctor Uncle, when you tear into and cut my heart open, please don't cause any pain and discomfort to my Lord, who sits there. Also, please, if you do see my Lord, tell me what he’s like!”

The caring doctor smiled at his young patient’s innocent—but surely ignorant—faith. As an atheist, he had long believed all of his success and accomplishments were his own doing, due to his own great intelligence and ability.

The operation finally got underway. But within 40 minutes, the young patient’s blood pressure, pulse rate and oxygen levels all began plummeting. As good as he was, the surgeon could see his efforts would be in vain, so he handed the operation off to his junior associates. Better leave than admit failure, he figured.

Still, this little girl had gotten to him somehow. He headed for a quiet, empty corner of the operating room, sat down and slowly sipped some water.

Just what was it about Angela, and especially, her words? He couldn’t get those words out of his own heart and brain.

“Lord God Jesus,” he found his heart praying before it could properly register in his brain. “If You are true and really dwelling in Angela's heart as she believes and says, please do a miracle now in her life.”

Within moments, the younger surgeons rushed over to him.

“Doctor, we don't know what is happening! Her blood pressure, heart rate and oxygen saturation levels are all miraculously heading to normal! Blood has just now started pumping in her heart!”

The senior surgeon leapt up and rushed to the child’s side, beginning to fathom the fact the Lord Jesus must surely have worked a miracle in his young patient’s heart. He took over the reins of the operation and four and a half hours later, could declare it a complete success.

A few days later, feeling well and almost herself again, Angela had a few questions for her surgeon.

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“Doctor Uncle! Did you happen to see my Lord Jesus when you cut into my heart? Did He say anything to you?”

“My dear child,” her cardiac surgeon answered, close to tears. “Over the last 30 years, I have opened many, many hearts. But, my precious little patient, you, YOU, were the only one who opened MY heart to see Lord God Jesus.”

Angela, now 18 and with a perfectly-functioning heart, is in university studies and doing well.

Please keep her and her continuing witnessing efforts in your prayers. Please also pray for the surgeon. While he knows and believes in the Truth of Jesus, he has kept his faith mostly hidden due to fear of retribution.

*name changed for security reasons

Update from Pastor Haneef on the Bibles for Mideast pastor in Pakistan

Glory to the Lord Jesus Christ

Hope this finds you well and with peace in our Lord Jesus Christ. By God's grace, Pastor Ansar* has recovered from COVID-19 and tested negative. So he was discharged from the hospital today and is now back home. We do thank you all for your prayers and help. 

It's true that because he was a Christian he did not get proper treatment and care in the hospital. But certainly he recovered and was discharged so quickly because of our Lord's care, protection and healing possible only by your prayers.  Pastor Ansar, his family and the ALG Church he minsters to all thank you for your kindness.  We praise and thank our wonderful Lord God Jesus for you all.

His family and church members are still under quarantine. We thank the Lord no one else has gotten sick. But they do not contact each other and no locals help them either. At this time they very much need our prayers and support.

Once again, we pray that our Lord will protect you under His mighty wings from every evil and disease. The love and grace of our Lord God be with you always. Amen.

With love and prayers,
Yours in His service,
Pastor Peter Haneef, President
The Assembly of Loving God [umbrella organization for all Bibles for Mideast churches]

* Name changed for security reasons

Prayers for protection and wisdom most appreciated!
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Dramatic healing and salvation for young Muslim woman ... and the miracles continue

Report: Bibles for Mideast and an ALG church in the Middle East

Halima*, born into an Arab Muslim family in the Middle East, grew up faithful and obedient to the many practices and rituals of Islam. She married as a teenager, set up home with her new husband, and the couple soon had a baby girl to look after. Within a few years, she conceived twice more, but unfortunately miscarried each time.

About four years ago, Halima developed severe pain throughout her whole body and found herself growing weaker and weaker. After a thorough medical check-up, doctors diagnosed a serious, life-threatening type of blood cancer.

Her husband loved her desperately. He could not imagine life without her or raising their now two-year-old girl on his own. He took her to many oncologists and even to specialists abroad for further treatments. But all medical efforts failed, and a year ago, she had reached the final stages of the disease. Doctors gave her no hope, advising her husband to take her home and give her whatever she needed to help her be as comfortable as possible for the limited time she had remaining.

Before being discharged, however, two Bibles for Mideast women visited her as part of their hospital ministry. When they offered to pray for her, her husband refused and angrily demanded hospital security get the evangelists out. Security staff complied, actually dragging the women out. Halima, however, quietly tucked the sample gospel away in her purse. 

Back in her own bed at home, waiting to die, she retrieved the gospel tract from her handbag and began poring over it. Like all Muslims, she knew historical Jesus had healed all manner of diseases and who knew? Maybe He could still do it. It seemed to her it was worth trying.

She told her husband what she had read and showed him the pamphlet. She then asked if he would call the mobile number printed on its back and see if someone might be able to come and pray for her.

“This is just wicked propaganda of the Christian religion!” he exclaimed. “It is not right for us to contact Christians and ask them to pray for us. Only a Kafir  [Arabic for infidel, or unbeliever—Ed.]  would do that. If we die, we should not die as infidels, but as Muslims. That is the real way to heaven. This Christian connection would only lead us to hell.”

Gazing at her little daughter by her side, now five, Halima began to cry. She reached out to her, pulled her close and held her tight, kissing her sweet face. The girl started crying as well.

This all proved too much for her husband. Relenting, he picked up the brochure and called the number printed on it. A Bibles for Mideast pastor answered. Halima’s husband outlined the details of his wife’s disease, and explained that she would like someone to come and pray for her. He handed the phone to Halima, who spoke to the pastor as well.

After praying for guidance, the pastor called several members of his congregation to join him at the church. Along with the pastor’s wife, they joined together in further prayer. [Situations such as these can be difficult in restricted areas of course. The possibility of a trap to ‘out the Christians’ always exists—Ed.]

"Lord, don't send me to Halima's house unless you come with me," the leader prayed. Sensing affirmation from the Lord, he headed off to the home, asking two church members to join him.

Halima's husband answered the door, invited the Christians in, and led them to his wife’s room—extremely unusual for a Muslim to do.

After the prayer time, the pastor asked the man if it would be okay if he and his church members held three days of fasting and prayer right there in his house.

“We will pray and fast from morning to evening,” he explained. “We won’t eat anything at all. And you must join with us.”

"Well, I will allow you to do your prayers and fasting in this room, only because it’s one of her last wishes,” the husband replied. “But I will not participate with you."

"Your presence is so important for our prayer and fasting," the pastor reiterated.

Halima then spoke up, pleading with her husband to go along with the pastor’s requests. Clearly annoyed, he finally gave in.

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The ALG church began their mission in the home the next day, Halima’s husband a reluctant participant. On the first day he ate his regular meals in his dining room, but by the second and third days he fully joined the fast. Not only that, he carefully listened to the prayers and gospel messages. At his request, the family servant, maids and driver even joined in. The Holy Spirit wonderfully moved among them.

On the third day, Halima saw Jesus! She watched and felt Him touch her head with His nail-pierced hands, and said that it felt as though blood flowed into and through her body from those hands. She jumped to her feet as power surged through her.

"Lord Jesus, you alone are my savior!” she exclaimed repeatedly, dancing and clapping. “You are my everything! Praise you Lord and thank you Jesus!" To the surprise of those around her, she even began speaking in tongues. All the pain had vanished, she announced.

She, her husband and daughter all surrendered themselves before Jesus and accepted Him as their Lord and Savior. The servants and maids also accepted Jesus into their hearts and lives.

The fourth day proved a great time of celebration as the church gathered in the couple’s home to give thanks. All praised and worshiped their saving, redeeming Lord in Spirit and in Truth. As the time of praise and thanksgiving wrapped up, Halima and her husband served everyone food.

Halima of course checked in with her oncologist soon afterwards, who, after examining her and testing her blood, looked at her in amazement.

“This is a total miracle,” he said. “Your blood has no cancer cells. You are completely healed.” 

A few days later, all were baptised and began attending services regularly at the underground church in their area. But the Muslim community, on discovering they had become Christian, did their best to convince them to return to Islam. The little family remained firm and bold in their witness. Militants took to attacking their home with rocks, and threatened to kill them. They felt they had no choice but to escape to another region.

As they planned their departure, their driver and household help all wanted to join them since they had all become Christians as well. But the family knew they would no longer have the finances to support them and said they simply had to find work somewhere else. Still, two of the workers pleaded to come along, even knowing they could no longer be paid, and the family relented. Those left behind promised to never leave their faith in Jesus.

On settling into their new home, in an area with no known Christians, they continued worshipping on their own. The pastor who had prayed for and baptised them visited regularly for the first few months to lead a midweek service for them. With Halima and her husband, he began evangelising in the area. Some listened as they shared the Good News, many scoffed and scolded, and once they barely escaped when attacked. Still, they have managed to win a number of locals for the Kingdom of Jesus and a new underground ALG church was born! ALG Church President Peter Haneef recently appointed a minister to lead the new congregation, with Halima’s husband assisting.

Just last week, Halima gave birth to a baby boy. Both mother and baby, whom they named Abdul Masih—meaning ‘Servant of Messiah’—are healthy.

Please pray for Halima, her husband, children, and all the new Christians meeting in their home.  Please also pray for the ministry of Bibles for Mideast and the ALG Church—that our Lord will protect, guide and bless His work being done in so many dangerous situations.

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* Name changed for security reasons