Going above and beyond with 'bloom where you're planted': hospital miracles continue

We have an exciting, crazy-encouraging update on Pastor Riyaz*! If you aren’t aware of his story thus far, please read our earlier post, A beyond-astonishing story of God’s redemption!

As only God can orchestrate it, the injured and hospitalized pastor’s story has gotten even more astonishing.

First of all, he has been improving quickly (from both the original attack and the attack in the hospital), and if all continues well, hopes to be released next week. The most astonishing part is that his mission work has continued in the hospital!

A few Sundays ago, Pastor Riyaz asked permission to have a worship service in the hospital hall. Since many staff had already become Christian through his ministry, hospital authorities were happy to provide the hall space for worship.

So at about 10 a.m. those gathered—some 300 staff and patients—began to pray. The Holy Spirit hovered and moved powerfully. Pastor Riyaz shared a gospel message from his wheelchair, while his wife conducted the overall service.

One of the hospital’s security staff shared his testimony about the previous Sunday service.  He had prayed as best as he knew how to God for his wife, who has been paralyzed and bedridden for three years. He and his children were trying to care for her, but his income from the hospital work wasn’t enough to manage both looking after the house and his wife’s treatment. In an attempt to support the family, two of his young daughters worked as sales girls in a local cloth shop, but it was still barely enough.

When he returned home after his hospital shift, his children excitedly reported that their mother had been shaking her legs and fingers around midday! The security man knew it had to be around the time he had prayed for her during the worship service. The Lord Jesus had touched her! So he shared all of this with his family, as well as about the salvation possible only with Jesus.

He and his children then joined hands and prayed aloud for his wife. It was really the first time he prayed consciously and knowingly to the Lord Jesus. Since the family belonged to a Hindu priestly family, none really knew how to pray. But the Holy Spirit ‘taught him’, giving him the words, as he prayed.

And then suddenly, his wife stood up from the bed and praised the Lord! As the security guard shared his amazing testimony in the hospital that Sunday, he wept over all the Lord had done for him.

Many others then shared exciting and powerful stories of what they had experienced as well.

So until he is released from hospital, our dear pastor will continue leading people to the Lord as well as powerful Sunday worship services!

Please keep all of these dear people in your prayers. Pastor Riyaz still needs total healing, and all the brand-new Christians need discipleship as they move forward in the Kingdom.
*Name changed for security reasons

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