Cardiac surgeon says his young patient opened his own heart

Angela* had been a long-awaited addition to the family for a formerly Muslim couple now worshipping Jesus at an ALG (Bibles for Mideast) church near their home in North India. Born 13 years into their marriage, little Angela was only six when doctors discovered a serious problem with her heart. Blood clots were forming and interfering with her heart’s functioning, so her parents took her to a renowned cardiologist for further assessment.

After a thorough check-up, the specialist advised immediate open-heart surgery, but warned that it came with only a 30 percent chance of success.  

“What will happen if we don’t go for the surgery?” the concerned parents asked. 

“She will not live more than three months,” the surgeon answered.

After much prayer and consideration, the parents opted for the surgery.

“You do understand I can give you only a 30 percent assurance on her life,” the doctor reminded them. The parents nodded; they would stick by their decision.

The day for surgery arrived, and Angela was prepped for the procedure. She spied her surgeon getting ready too.

“Doctor Uncle, Doctor Uncle!” she cried out [an Indian expression showing her familiarity with the doctor—Ed.]  “I heard you will tear into and cut my heart!”

“Don't worry, my child,” the doctor assured her kindly. “I promise, you won’t feel any pain or discomfort.”

“It’s not that, Doctor Uncle! My mommy and daddy taught me that my Lord Jesus is living in my heart … and I do believe that! So Doctor Uncle, when you tear into and cut my heart open, please don't cause any pain and discomfort to my Lord, who sits there. Also, please, if you do see my Lord, tell me what he’s like!”

The caring doctor smiled at his young patient’s innocent—but surely ignorant—faith. As an atheist, he had long believed all of his success and accomplishments were his own doing, due to his own great intelligence and ability.

The operation finally got underway. But within 40 minutes, the young patient’s blood pressure, pulse rate and oxygen levels all began plummeting. As good as he was, the surgeon could see his efforts would be in vain, so he handed the operation off to his junior associates. Better leave than admit failure, he figured.

Still, this little girl had gotten to him somehow. He headed for a quiet, empty corner of the operating room, sat down and slowly sipped some water.

Just what was it about Angela, and especially, her words? He couldn’t get those words out of his own heart and brain.

“Lord God Jesus,” he found his heart praying before it could properly register in his brain. “If You are true and really dwelling in Angela's heart as she believes and says, please do a miracle now in her life.”

Within moments, the younger surgeons rushed over to him.

“Doctor, we don't know what is happening! Her blood pressure, heart rate and oxygen saturation levels are all miraculously heading to normal! Blood has just now started pumping in her heart!”

The senior surgeon leapt up and rushed to the child’s side, beginning to fathom the fact the Lord Jesus must surely have worked a miracle in his young patient’s heart. He took over the reins of the operation and four and a half hours later, could declare it a complete success.

A few days later, feeling well and almost herself again, Angela had a few questions for her surgeon.

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“Doctor Uncle! Did you happen to see my Lord Jesus when you cut into my heart? Did He say anything to you?”

“My dear child,” her cardiac surgeon answered, close to tears. “Over the last 30 years, I have opened many, many hearts. But, my precious little patient, you, YOU, were the only one who opened MY heart to see Lord God Jesus.”

Angela, now 18 and with a perfectly-functioning heart, is in university studies and doing well.

Please keep her and her continuing witnessing efforts in your prayers. Please also pray for the surgeon. While he knows and believes in the Truth of Jesus, he has kept his faith mostly hidden due to fear of retribution.

*name changed for security reasons