Hindu festivals always mean trouble for converts from Hinduism: Please pray for Pastor Ashwin in India

Hindu festivals always mean trouble for converts from Hinduism, especially in increasingly radical and authoritarian Hindu nationalist India. Hindus across Kerala and some neighboring areas of India celebrate Vishu, the beginning of their traditional new year today (the day is celebrated elsewhere but called by other names).

While some prepared for the festival in a home in Karnataka State yesterday evening, they overheard Bibles for Mideast Pastor Ashwin sharing the gospel and his testimony nearby. Enraged on learning he had converted from Hinduism to Christianity, they left with steel pipes to find and brutally attack the pastor. He suffered serious injuries and is now in hospital, desperately needing our prayers. He has three little children. The church where he has been ministering is as rich in the Spirit as its members are poor.

Please pray for Pastor Ashwin, his family and church and our many other converts from Hinduism: that God would protect, guide, and provide for miraculous growth.

(April 30)

After spending 16 days in ICU, Pastor Ashwin has been finally moved to a regular room and is now able to speak—and praise and thank our Lord! Thank you to all who have prayed … please keep it up, for him and all of our workers.