St. Paul’s 12 key points to living in a lawless world

[Phil 4: 4-19]

1. Don’t be terrified by your enemies.
2. On behalf of Christ, you are not only to believe in Him, but to suffer for His sake!
3. Rejoice in the Lord always and … again … rejoice!
4. Have moderation in all things.
5. Be careful in everything you do; let all things be done with prayer and supplication to the Lord.
6. The Peace of God will keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.
7. Think on these things: whatever is true, honorable, just, pleasing, commendable, excellent, praiseworthy.
8. Walk in the way of the Lord and the God of peace shall be with you.
9. Learn to be content in whatever state you are in.
10. “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”
11. “My God will supply all my need through His riches in Christ Jesus.”
12. We are in the world, not of the world; we are Christ’s and He is ours through God’s grace to us!

With love, prayers and Shalom
In the wonderful name of Jesus

Pastor Paul, Bibles for Mideast