Bibles for Mideast

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Miracle baby born to formerly Muslim parents, themselves newborns in God's Kingdom!

Report: Bibles for Mideast and an underground Assembly of Loving God (ALG)  church in the Middle East

Dedicated orthodox Muslims Noufel* and his wife Rasiya* regularly practiced all the many required Islamic rituals. Into their tenth year as expats in the Middle East, the couple survived on little income. Their one big hope of having children had been thwarted for over a decade.

While out doing personal evangelism one day, some women from Bibles for Mideast encountered Rasiya. They learned of her strong desire for children, and how dejected she had become through her years of barrenness.

The women told her of their own conviction that prayer to Jesus was the answer for everything. They gave her many examples of answered prayers from the Bible—such as the birth of Isaac, son of Abraham and Sarah; Joseph, son of Jacob and Rachel; and Samuel, born to Hannah and Elkanah.  They also shared the message of the gospel and their own stories of converting from Islam.

“If you believe in Jesus as your Lord and Savior, He will hear you and you will have a child soon,” they felt assurance from God to tell her. Rasiya asked the women to pray for her continuously, and they agreed. They then invited her to a prayer service at the underground ALG Church they attended.

Secretively and bravely, she joined them at the meeting, where Pastor Thalib* was ministering. He explained to her how Jesus Christ took all our sin and iniquities, redeemed us by His sacrifice on the Cross of Calvary, and died as a ransom for us.  

“He rose from the dead and still lives as our Lord to answer our prayers and take us into heaven as His faithful bride,” he went on. “Accept Him as your Lord and Savior and He will take care of your need.”

Rasiya accepted Jesus Christ as her personal Lord and Saviour. The pastor prayed over her, and prophesied that by this time next year she would have a son.

Rasiya found herself believing him, but when she shared the news with her husband Noufel, he just laughed. Soon, however, she conceived! Both were delighted of course, but as much as she implored him to go with her to a service at the underground church, he still refused.

He did however take wonderful care of her now she was pregnant, including bringing her for checkups at her gynecologist at least once a week.  

Six months into the pregnancy, the doctor informed the couple their child may have serious birth defects. Their hearts sunk. How could it be? Worry began to consume them. Finally, Noufel gave in to his wife’s entreaties and went along with her to a service at the underground church.

As Pastor Thalib wrapped up his sermon, he gave an altar call. To everyone’s delight, Noufel went forward and accepted Jesus as his personal Lord and Saviour. All then joined in prayer for the couple, especially for the coming baby.

Noufel, however, still worried about the child’s health. He couldn’t imagine being able to deal with a disabled or deformed child, financially or otherwise.

 “The fruit of the womb is our Lord’s reward,” the pastor assured him. “It will be given you without blemish!”

When their beautiful, healthy baby boy arrived several months later, doctors and medical staff couldn't hide their surprise. Noufel, beside himself with joy, rushed to the church to praise and thank the Lord with the pastor and other believers.

But then came the substantial medical bill. In their country, hospitals will not release mothers and newborns until all expenses have been covered. Noufel had nowhere near the amount needed. He asked hospital authorities if they could wait one more day before discharging, and they agreed.

He approached some of his friends and managed to borrow enough money. The next day, he headed to the hospital cashier to pay.

“Today’s accounts are closed, so come tomorrow,” he was told. When he arrived to pay the next day, he got a similar story. He’d have to wait yet another day, and come back again.

On that third day, the cashier surprised him with a new story.

“You don’t have to pay the bill,” he said, “for the ruler of the Kingdom issued an order last night that all delivery cases must be without charge.” So he could finally, and completely freely, leave the hospital with his wife and infant son!  Again, he and the church praised and thanked our loving Lord for His amazing love and care.

The very next week the ruler of the Kingdom withdrew the order for free treatment of delivery cases.

How wonderful our Lord is! For Noufel and his family alone our Lord ordered and changed the rules through the ruler of a Muslim Kingdom. PRAISE THE LORD FOREVER AND EVER!

Names changed for security reasons